A Narrow Escape: Saving a Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard

A Narrow Escape: Saving a Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard By Donna Roy I found myself on the highway staring down an 18-wheeler semi-trailer truck barreling towards me. How did I end up here? I have to rewind to a month earlier. My friend Joe, an environmental scientist, had been looking for help with flat-tailed horned […]
A Day in Borrego Palm Canyon: Witnessing Bighorn Sheep

A Day in Borrego Palm Canyon: Witnessing the Majestic Bighorn Sheep By Arun Balakrishnan On a warm October day, I found myself with a few wildlife trackers in the first wash in Borrego Palm Canyon. There were no other people around. The chupa rosas were a vibrant red, there were signs of rabbits feeding on […]